The following code downloads county-level poverty data in 2015 from the American Community Survey (ACS) via an API using the acs
package. I then create an interactive Highchart map using the package highcharter
Download ACS Poverty data via an API
api.key.install(key = "07e1aef2e1de18c0bd4ad888c8bd1295aa7400f9")
all_counties = acs::geo.make(state = "*", county = "*")
all_tracts = acs::geo.make(state = c(, "DC"), county = "*", tract = "*")
pov_total_2015 = acs::acs.fetch(endyear = 2015, span = 5, geography = all_counties,
table.number = "B17001", case.sensitive = F, dataset = "acs", key = "07e1aef2e1de18c0bd4ad888c8bd1295aa7400f9")
df = tibble::as_tibble(pov_total_2015@estimate) %>% dplyr::bind_cols(fips = paste0(as.character(pov_total_2015@geography$state),
as.character(pov_total_2015@geography$county))) %>% dplyr::mutate(Poverty = 100 *
B17001_002/B17001_001) %>% dplyr::select(fips, Poverty)
Creating a HighChart Map
pov <- df$Poverty
minVal = min(pov, na.rm = T)
maxVal = max(pov, na.rm = T)
val95 = quantile(pov, 0.95, na.rm = T)
val05 = quantile(pov, 0.05, na.rm = T)
valBins = 5
value_binned = round(maxVal/(valBins + 1))
dclass <- data_frame(from = seq(minVal, maxVal - value_binned, by = value_binned),
to = seq(from[2], maxVal, by = value_binned), color = substring(viridis(length(from),
option = "C"), 0, 7))
dclass <- list_parse(dclass)
hc <- hcmap("",
data = df, value = "Poverty", joinBy = c("fips", "fips"), name = "Poverty",
dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE, format = "{}"), borderColor = "#FAFAFA",
borderWidth = 0.1, tooltip = list(headerFormat = "Poverty-", valueDecimals = 2,
valueSuffix = "%")) %>% hc_title(text = "Percentage Living Below Poverty Level in 2015 (ACS)") %>%
hc_subtitle(text = "") %>% hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_colorAxis(dataClasses = dclass)
Once the chart is created, it has to be saved using the htmlwidgets
package. I saved it to a folder on my github page using the following code, and then use an iframe html tag to display it.
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(hc, file = "us_poverty_map.html")